Other Things That Matter

I've been reading about dark matter of late, probably spurred by the increased pace of space activity in recent months. I just thought that maybe I should know something, at least, about the stuff that makes up 85% of all matter in the universe (maybe). No one has yet directly observed dark matter. My ruminations …

Madeline Wild

Purple lupine... Daisies... Buttercups... Forget-Me-Nots... Pink Lupine... Indian Paintbrush... Bunchberries... Thimbleberry... Indian Pipe... Yellow Birdfoot... White Lupine... Jack Pine...Water Lilly... The Island is running wild.... (If you'd like to listen to the audio for this post, click here. Or you can subscribe to my Sheppard's Rest podcast via Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.)